This is my first draft for my Final Catwalk Look!!
As you can see I have taken inspiration from Peruvian Textiles for the fine linear design I will apply using Aqua colour across the face, neck, shoulders and forearm. I will use these areas of the body because I consider them alluring. I believe the Yine tribe also do this. I will use Aqua colour because when dry it is less likely to smudge compared to Supracolour.
I will try to add a hint of hunters instinct into my look by painting in a slash across the parting in the hair and painting the forearm to look like tribal armour and the nails with spikes as if resembling spear heads, which some tribes use to hunt.
The tribal necklace will add a sophisticated flash of colour, taking inspiration from Tropical birds living in the rainforest amongst the Shuar tribe. Relating to this, I may or may not add feather to the hair, inspired by the Shuar crown.
The lips will reference scarification in terms of texture, I will do this by Duo gluing crystals to the lips in a nice rounded plump shape.
The hair will be sculptural and will have to be severely backcombed and stuffed to achieve great volumes, a technique I have learnt in makeup lessons. the hair will finish in a fish tail braid, as I've noticed braids are tribal, and I particularly admire the fish tail shape. The braid will gradually go flat and flick out at the end to resemble a birds tail/feather. I will achieve the curly shape by using pipe cleaners inside the braid. Smaller thinner braids will come down from under where the hair is parted horizontally, and these will resemble dreadlocks, I will finish the braid with beads.