Wednesday, 17 October 2012

The Yine Tribe

I am so drawn to the Yine Tribe, their markings on the bottom third of the face remind me of the patterns created by islamic tiles. I find the choice to use blue ink intriguing and I think they look amazing against the black hair/eyes. Incredible bead work attached round the neck, large enough to cover the chest. The use of bells. Imagining the sound of the tribe as they walk, run, move.

The Yine Tribal markings continue down and over the body to the arms and hands! The painted fingers and half of the hand, are the palms painted?? 

Beautiful beaded bracelets. 

How the markings on the face drop down under the eyes, a very considered design. What is alluring? maybe the Yine tribe find the eyes alluring. I do not necessarily have to have cover what is alluring. What is alluring i.e. the eyes, could be left clear to stand out even more on their own away from pattern or markings.
Note the bleading of the ink/paint on the arm and hand - softens the look of the colour and line. Also, the line across the face goes up over the nose yet from the front the line is straight. Just a note to myself that whatever I design for the face may look different from different angles and that this could really change an image, good or bad.

Similar to the Shuar tribe the Yine tribe wear headdresses. The Yine tribe wear more of a band across the head - taking something natural (a plant/bark/dried leaves/nuts/acorns/conkers/ANYTHING) and customising these objects to create something wonderful.

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